St. Isidore VBS

St. Isidore's Vacation Bible School

in Quakertown, PA

Week of July 8th, 2024

Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

Brought to you by the St. Isidore's Mom's Group, VBS is fun for children 4 years of age through the completion of 4th grade. It is held on the St. Isidore Church grounds and in the Father Riegler Center for Faith and Family.

Check out this year's VBS under the Daily Recaps tab

This year's theme is:

Cat Chat's Birthday Blast: A Celebration of Life

This Catholic VBS is filled with songs, crafts and fun, faith-filled activities for kids.

The overall goal of this year's week-long program is to help children learn more about prayer and how to put it into action.