Day 1 Recap

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Today, we kicked off the longest birthday party ever with got Cat.Chat's BIRTHDAY BLAST: A Celebration of Life! Vacation Bible School.

 Ask your child what the party name of their group is.


The Theme was “DISCOVER LIFE!” At each of our stations, we had fun learning about the gift of life and all the wonderful ways we can recognize the beauty in God’s creation.

Virtue of the Day

The Virtue of the Day was Appreciation. Appreciation is being thankful for someone or something. We did a little demonstration with a volunteer holding a tray of items. The most important part of the lesson was appreciating the person holding the tray more than the items on the tray. It was a great lesson to help us appreciate the things in life that really matter.

Saint of the Day

The Saint of the Day was St. Gabriel the Archangel. We presented each child with a saint card today, so please read the story on the back of the card with your child.

Faith Station

In the faith station, your child learned a Bible verse song of the scripture Jeremiah 1:5. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”

Music Station

Our VBS theme song is called: “Who Am I.” This song reminds us that we are God’s children; beautiful and wonderfully made. He created us to know, love and serve Him, hoping that one day we will be with Him in heaven. We also learned another song called, “Alive in You." Ask your child to sing and do some of the actions to these songs. You can also download all the songs with this link. We hope you continue to listen to the songs hey learn this week so VBS will remain in their heart all year long. 

Craft Station

Have your child tell or show you the Birthday Blast Bracelet they decorated in the craft station. We also had a Saint of the Day Coloring Page. 

Snack Station

The kids made Tasty Transformations in their snack station. It was a beautiful snack to kick off our Cathletics VBS opening day...ask your child what animal they made.

Games Station

We played some fun, games to get to know each other today.  Ask your child to tell you what they enjoyed the most in the games station today!

Take Home Items

St. Gabriel the Archangel prayer card and coloring page.

Questions to ask your child:

The Cat.Chat Challenge today is:

Challenge your child (and other family members) to stand in front of a mirror today and thank God for 3 great things they like about themselves. For example, “Thank you God for my blue eyes, my great smile and my curly hair.”

Tomorrow’s theme is:

Tomorrow your child can look forward to “RESPECT LIFE” activities and lessons. 

Respect Life Opportunity to help moms and babies in our area:

We are accepting donations on behalf of St. Isidore's Vacation Bible School for Crossroads Pregnancy Center in Quakertown. Donations of the baby items below can be sent in anytime between today and Friday. Thank you!

Crossroads Pregnancy Center Donations (if interested/able, drop off an item anytime during the week of VBS):

More information at:

Our 100% Catholic Vacation Bible School Program is hosted by the St. Isidore's Mom's Group. 

The program is provided by Cat Chat. Learn more about them and their programs at

Want to join the Mom's Group? Email and we will connect you!